Project Pages

Automatically generating consistent webpages for github repos


This project is designed to generate webpages best on all the githhub repositories of a user. This allows for Easy updating and universal stlyes for all pages as well as less work for maintence for each individual project.

First using pyHTML i generated a simple html tamplate. Then using pygithub i pull down the title of each project and the readme (to be used as the description). I then put these in to the html template. After some styling you get a simple accesable page for each of your github repositories.

how to use

  1. Install git
  2. download/clone and instal Py-github
  3. download/clone this repo
  4. run
  5. html files can be found in the generated_pages directory

Usefull information/conventions used

  • if you include an image in the root of a repo it will be the main project image. Or if you have an image title "main_img.png"
  • put repo names in Word1_Word2_Word3 ... format for best results.